My 2 cents on product design related topics in formats like blogs, interviews or podcasts

external Emanuel Miličević external Emanuel Miličević

Contextualizing N26 Colors


Color is one of the key parts of your brand. It’s also one of the most exposed. Therefore working on any intervention regarding the color palette can be very tricky, no matter the size of your company. Our brand designer Maja and I embarked on the journey of scaling the N26 color palette from 8 shades to 50 shades, in the peak of the 2020 pandemic.

This blog post can be fully read on this link ↗︎

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external Emanuel Miličević external Emanuel Miličević

Earning User Trust in Digital Payment Solutions


The fintech market, which still lacks a clear definition even within the industry, has hit major numbers in 2019–over 3,5 billion users have around 4,8 trillion euros to spend across approximately 13,000 technology-powered financial companies.

As the market keeps increasing, fintech companies’ need to respond by continually investing significant effort in order to keep their customer number counter growing.

This blog post can be fully read on this link ↗︎

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external Emanuel Miličević external Emanuel Miličević

Keep It Clean: Project Folder Organization Template

Designers like to work in a creative mess and that’s totally fine when you work as a one-man band (“badum tish”). If we add a client, a developer, the client’s developer, a second designer, a project manager, and other stakeholders, things must be well defined and organized.

This blog post can be fully read on this link ↗︎

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external Emanuel Miličević external Emanuel Miličević

Design More, Sketch Less

From time to time I get a question from my teammates: “Hey Emanuel, is there a Sketch plugin for...?” My answer is usually yes, Sketch’s got a myriad of extensions that can help improve your workflow. I recently delivered a talk on the topic, so I thought I’d be a good share. This list is intended for all smart, yet lazy designers who want to focus on experience and beautiful design, not on pushing pixels. Yes, there are plugins for that in Sketch.

This blog post can be fully read on this link ↗︎

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If you are looking for a design speaker for your next event, blog or podcast. I love to share and exchange knowledge about design and development of digital or IoT products, design culture, and many more.